Yenching Academy of Peking University Holds Opening Ceremony for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

On the morning of September 7, 2024, the Yenching Academy of Peking University welcomed its 10th cohort of Scholars with an inspiring opening ceremony at Qiulin Auditorium. Bright minds from around the world gathered, eager to embark on their China Studies journey and begin a new chapter at one of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions.


The ceremony began with a captivating performance by the PACA Acapella group, setting a reflective and celebratory mood. It was a moment for the Yenching community to come together and reminisce on the shared challenges, friendships, and triumphs that define the Yenching Scholar experience.

Key figures from the Academy took part in the ceremony, including Yenching Academy Honorary Dean Yuan Ming, Dean Dong Qiang, Associate Dean Fan Shiming, Associate Dean Brent Haas, Director of Graduate Studies Lu Yang, Assistant Dean Chen Changwei, Professor Liu Guoen (Dean of the PKU Institute for Global Health and Development), and Dr. Qian Liu (Founder and CEO of Wusawa Advisory and former Managing Director of The Economist Group, Greater China). Alongside the voices of current Scholars, these distinguished leaders filled the event with laughter, meaningful dialogue, and a sense of anticipation for the exciting journey ahead.

Opening Remarks: Associate Dean Brent Haas on Balance, Flexibility, and Collaboration for Yenching Scholars

Associate Dean Brent Haas kicked off the event with a compelling message aimed at both the 9th cohort and the incoming Scholars of the 10th cohort. As Yenching Academy enters its second decade, Haas emphasized the importance of balance for Yenching Scholars as they navigate the demands of the program.

He reminded the Scholars that while they are driven, accomplished individuals, the key to success lies in first “learning to be a Yenching Scholar.” Haas spoke about the importance of acclimatizing to life at the Academy and within Peking University, encouraging students to not rush through the experience but instead to take time to understand the opportunities at hand.

"You all are here with well-formulated plans and goals," Haas said, "but my first pointer is to learn to be a Yenching Scholar first. Get your balance. Understand our community, our administration, and the broader cultural environment of Peking University."

He went on to encourage students to foster collaborations with classmates and be open to unexpected opportunities. "Plans are great, but be open to the unexpected,” Haas advised. “Some of the most valuable experiences come from the connections you build with your fellow Scholars."

Professor Gordon Liu’s Reflections on Science and the World

Following Haas’s remarks, Professor Gordon Liu shared his reflections on his eight-year journey at Yenching Academy. His thoughts, both humorous and insightful, highlighted the complexity of the world and the necessity of approaching it with curiosity and a scientific mindset.

Drawing from his own academic career, Professor Liu underscored the importance of challenging established ideas in the pursuit of truth, much like the scientific advancements that have driven global progress. He reminded the Scholars that not knowing something is often just as valuable as knowing it, as it fuels the desire to learn.

"To build a better world driven by science and innovation, we must remain humble, open, and inclusive in our thinking," Liu remarked. "There are many things we don’t know we don’t know, and this mystery is what should drive us to seek knowledge."

Professor Liu also touched on global affairs, particularly the growing complexity and tensions in the world. He shared a moving personal story from his experience at the US-China Track II Dialogue on Health, where he reminded Scholars of the fragility and interconnectedness of humanity, and how dialogue, understanding, and empathy are more important now than ever.

Student Representative Nicole Accalia Angriawan’s Moving Speech

A standout moment of the evening came from Nicole Accalia Angriawan, a 10th cohort Scholar from Indonesia, who delivered a heartfelt speech about her journey to Yenching Academy. She opened her remarks with a personal anecdote from her childhood, where her mother had shared the famous Indonesian proverb which translates to "pursue knowledge even to the land of China."

Fast forward to the present, and Nicole found herself living that very proverb as a Yenching Scholar. She reflected on how her expectations of China had been surpassed, from its technological advancements to its cultural richness.

"China is a land of possibilities," Nicole shared. "I was amazed by the integrated public transportation, the green energy transitions in Chengdu, the rapid development of Shenzhen, and the historical richness of Beijing. I quickly realized that China is far more than what I had read or seen online. This experience has been transformative."

Nicole also highlighted the global impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative, noting how the development of high-speed rail had personally impacted her life, cutting travel time in Indonesia and increasing connectivity.

Celebrating Academic Excellence: Associate Dean Fan Shiming Announces Best Academic Award Winners

During the ceremony, Associate Dean Fan Shiming proudly announced the recipients of the 2023-2024 Best Academic Award. He congratulated the Scholars from the 9th cohort who achieved outstanding academic success and encouraged them to continue striving for excellence in their second year. Fan also expressed high hopes for the incoming 10th cohort, urging them to make the most of their time at Yenching Academy.

The award recipients were:

● Wu Ying Si

● Ian Ga-Jun Wong

● Chiu Ying

● Clementine Pippa Mary Ebel

● Samuel Benjamin Pekats

● Mariia Mazaruk

● Liang Danqi

● Serena Cicy Liu

● Alexander Ching-Yun Keng

● Mikhail Milko

● Qian Yizhu

These Scholars were recognized for their academic dedication, and their achievements set a high bar for the incoming class. Fan’s words served as both a celebration of their hard work and a challenge for all Yenching Scholars to push the boundaries of their intellectual pursuits.

Looking Ahead: Dean Dong Qiang’s Vision for the Future

The ceremony continued with an impactful message from Dean Dong Qiang, who reiterated Yenching Academy’s mission of fostering a deeper understanding of China in a global context. Dean Dong introduced the concept of "Sinography"—a framework for understanding China not as isolated, but as a part of the global fabric. He explained how Yenching Academy provides the tools for Scholars to explore and engage with China’s past, present, and future, encouraging students to dive deeper into China’s role in the world.

“We are not here to predict the future, but we are here to shape it,” Dean Dong remarked. “Yenching Academy is a pioneering space where East meets West, past meets future, and scholarship meets experience. The journey ahead is yours to define.”

Closing remarks: Dr Liu Qian Shares Wisdom on Knowledge, Self-Discovery, and Embracing Challenges

Dr Liu Qian, Founder and CEO of Wusawa Advisory, delivered an inspiring and candid speech, offering three key reflections for the incoming Scholars. Drawing on her own journey, she shared valuable life lessons about academic success, personal growth, and pushing beyond comfort zones.

First, Liu emphasized the importance of immersing oneself fully in learning. She encouraged Scholars to take advantage of every opportunity at Yenching Academy—to ask questions, attend seminars, and explore topics beyond their core interests. "You’ll never again have this wealth of resources so close at hand," she reminded them, underscoring the value of deep, meaningful study.

Second, Liu urged students to prioritize self-discovery and exploration, whether through academics, relationships, or new experiences. "Get out of your comfort zone," she advised, sharing her own story of conquering a fear of heights through skydiving, which eventually led her to become a licensed jumper. Her message was clear: personal growth often comes from embracing challenges and fears head-on.

Finally, Liu highlighted the importance of understanding the diverse world we live in. She reflected on her own global experiences and interactions, encouraging Scholars to engage with different perspectives, cultures, and ideas. "Never take anything for granted," she said, reminding them that real learning often comes from challenging one's assumptions and seeing the world through new eyes.

Her speech left a lasting impact, with a call for Scholars to not only excel academically but also embrace life’s uncertainties, seek self-discovery, and expand their worldview.

A New Chapter Begins

The Yenching Academy's 2024 Opening Ceremony set the stage for a year filled with intellectual discovery, personal growth, and global engagement. With wisdom imparted by academy leaders, faculty, and accomplished alumni, the new cohort of Scholars was encouraged to embrace not only academic rigor but also the unexpected opportunities that lie ahead. As they embark on their unique journeys, they do so with the support of a vibrant community and the legacy of Yenching's transformative environment.

Whether through collaborative research, deep cultural immersion, or personal self-discovery, the Scholars of the 10th cohort now stand ready to shape their own paths while contributing to a broader understanding of China’s role in the world. As the ceremony came to a close, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose, excitement, and anticipation for the many challenges and rewards that await the Yenching Scholars in the years to come.

Melania El Khayat

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